US military suicide rate 2013-2014
Air Force
The Challenge
As of September 2014, there were nearly 2.7 million American veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, with 20% of those veterans returning home having PTSD and/or Depression. Unfortunately, 70% of those do not seek treatment. (Veterans Administration study).
- Veteran suicide rate is staggering, as much as five to eight thousand a year (that’s 22 everyday) based on a 2014 VA Suicide Data Report
- The rate of major depression is 5x’s higher among military as civilians and 15x’s as high for PTSD. based on Harvard Medical School 2014
The Solution
The Vision of Warrior 180 Foundation is to reach out to military, veterans and their families with the saving knowledge of Christ, building in them a solid foundation, equipping them to stand with others and challenging them to reach out to those in need.
You can help!
We believe without reservation that this ministry was born from watching the number of military lives and families falling apart increase to a point where change is needed, and needed NOW. The Lord gave us a passion and calling for these hurting souls. We know that your prayers are what will keep us moving forward and allow us to reach out to those in need.
Financial Support
We trust that the Lord will lead those who share our vision to also give towards it. Not only to keep us out there, but to eventually build “Warrior 180 Center” (a place where the broken can find healing and peace).
Warrior 180 Foundation Captains
We are looking for a few good men (and women!) to come along side us and be our eyes and ears in their communities. These Captains will partner with us to plan events, schedule meetings, and be preaching and teaching in their local areas before we arrive.