PTSD Awareness

June 27th: National Awareness Day for PTSD PTSD is NOT about what is wrong with you; but about what has happened to you. PTSD is a Normal reaction to Extreme Trauma – just as Bleeding is a Normal reaction to being stabbed. PTSD is a whole-body tragedy, an integral...

Watching Gods Hand at Work

What on earth is happening with us??!! The last message we sent out was CEASE, put it all on hold. We were standing in faith waiting for the Lord to move His hand … With advisement from our lawyer, Warrior180 LLC was to be dissolved and we had to apply for Warrior 180...

Warrior Update

Today we had the opportunity to meet with the CVMA in Clarksville TN. This group of men and women have such a heart for our VETS and jumped on board with Warrior180. This is the group who has cared for our son after his deployments, always available at a moments...


Sunday we took the opportunity to walk thru Fort Defiance in Clarksville TN, a civil war park and visitor center. The Fort was positioned on the river to assist with trade and protection and over looked the city of Clarksville during that time. They have put a walk...

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